Partite Australian Open 2024 - Risultati, calendario, programma e notizie
Se sei un amante del tennis e delle scommesse, non perdere nessuna notizia sul programma Australian Open 2024, il primo dei quattro tornei dello Slam che si svolge ogni anno a Melbourne nel mese di gennaio, quest'anno dal 14 gennaio al 28, e fai la tua scommessa vincente. è il portale che unisce sport e scommesse online e ti tiene aggiornato sulle partite in programma, i risultati della competizione e fornisce statistiche, classifiche, pronostici, quote scommesse dell'Australian Open e notizie sul celebre torneo Australiano. Qui potrai condividere la tua passione per lo sport con una comunità di appassionati proprio come te con i quali confrontarti, commentare e pubblicare le tue previsioni e scommettere supportato dalla nostra esperienza.
Anteprima Aus Open 2024 - Potrà Djokovic vincere l'undicesimo titolo nel ritorno di Nadal?
Novak Djokovic, il talentuoso tennista serbo, si sta preparando per la sua undicesima vittoria agli Australian Open 2024. Dopo aver trionfato nel 2023, Djokovic è determinato a ripetere l'impresa e consolidare la sua posizione di dominio nel mondo del tennis.
Tuttavia, quest'anno ci sarà un ritorno molto atteso alle competizioni da parte di Rafael Nadal. L'esperto tennista spagnolo, con il suo stile di gioco aggressivo e la sua abilità ineguagliabile sulla terra battuta, ha definitivamente intenzione di mettere in discussione l'egemonia di Djokovic. La rivalità tra questi due campioni promette di offrire un'epica battaglia sul campo.
Ma non è solo Djokovic e Nadal ad attirare l'attenzione degli appassionati di tennis. Carlos Alcaraz, il giovane tennista spagnolo che ha sorpreso tutti vincendo Wimbledon nel 2023, sarà sicuramente uno dei contendenti da tenere d'occhio. Nonostante l'infortunio subito agli Australian Open dello stesso anno, Alcaraz sembra essersi ripreso completamente e sta dimostrando di essere una forza da non sottovalutare.
Oltre a Alcaraz, anche Jannik Sinner potrebbe essere un'opzione di vincita. Il talentuoso tennista italiano ha mostrato grandi progressi nel corso degli ultimi anni ed è considerato uno dei giovani più promettenti nel circuito ATP. Sinner ha dimostrato di poter tenere testa ai migliori giocatori del mondo e potrebbe essere la wildcard in grado di sconvolgere ogni pronostico.
Non resta che aspettare con trepidazione l'inizio degli Australian Open per vedere come si svilupperanno gli eventi. Sarà Djokovic a confermare la sua supremazia, Nadal a ritornare al suo storico livello di dominio o una nuova stella emerge dal firmamento del tennis? Solo il tempo e la bravura dei giocatori sul campo ci porteranno a scoprire il vincitore di questa eccitante competizione.
Risultati Australian Open 2024 e diretta streaming - Tutte le partite, gli orari, ordine di gioco e calendario
Qui puoi seguire tutti i risultati live Australian Open del 2024 per non perdere nemmeno un minuto del set che si sta disputando e vederne il suo andamento, anche se non lo stai guardando in diretta.
Nella pagina dedicata alla competizione trovi tutte le informazioni dedicate e puoi vedere i livescore Australian Open di ogni match in tempo reale, assieme allo stato della partita, ai pronostici Australian Open, a statistiche dettagliate e commenti in diretta: insomma tutto quello che sta accadendo sul campo da tennis.
Per scoprire e valutare gli altri incontri in programma, naviga all'interno della pagina utilizzando il calendario. Potrai vedere tutto il programma Australian Open, dai quattro turni eliminatori ai quarti di finale, semifinale e finale aggiornati in base all'andamento del torneo.
Ti basterà selezionare la data che ti interessa per vedere tutti i match previsti per la giornata. La pagina viene aggiornata costantemente e avrai visione di tutto il tabellone dei singolari e di doppio maschili e femminili, gli orari e ordine di gioco Australian Open delle 14 giornate di partite, anche dell’Australian Open femminile.
Lo streaming di tennis è uno dei più popolari tra i bookmaker. Per questo motivo, su Oddspedia ti offriremo anche le strutture per guardare le partite degli Australian Open in diretta e in streaming. Segui il collegamento in live streaming su una qualsiasi delle pagine della partita e registrati con il bookmaker. Ora puoi guardare le partite degli Australian Open in diretta e in streaming gratuitamente e in totale sicurezza.
Australian Open 2024 - Notizie e voci
Vuoi rimanere costantemente aggiornato sulle partite Australian Open del 2024 e sulle ultime notizie a riguardo? Vogliamo che tu viva la tua passione per il tennis appieno e che abbia modo di trovare tutte le informazioni su un unico portale. Per questo, raccoglie quotidianamente le ultime novità, notizie e opinioni sul torneo di tennis Australiano, sia durante il suo svolgimento, sia nei mesi precedenti all'evento.
Nella sezione dedicata trovi gli aggiornamenti provenienti dai principali giornali di sport e di settore, ma non solo. Riportiamo anche informazioni rilevanti da social media. Ad esempio dai twitter riguardanti l'evento, presi direttamente dai post dei giocatori, dagli account ufficiali dell'Austalian Open e delle principali federazioni di tennis nazionali e internazionali. In questo modo, oltre a trovare su i pronostici Australian Open, i risultati Australian Open e i dettagli sul calendario degli incontri, potrai anche seguire il mood che si sta creando intorno all'evento per avere una visione a 360°, utile anche in fase di scommessa.
Offerte Scommesse
184 Offerte
LCFC Bet Guaranteed
If LCFC loses, you'll receive a 100% Freebet refund of your stake in BCD currency.
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
200% Bonus
BC.GAME x Leicester City F.C. New players can score a 200% sports freebet bonus on their first bet.
Wagering and odds requirements apply. New 18+ users only. T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering and odds requirements apply. New 18+ users only. T&Cs apply.
Cashback at the CASINO
We return up to 10% of your losses!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Casino Loyalty Programme
Get coins for every deposit and exchange them for Bonuses!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
ACCA booster
Collect accumulators with 4+ events and get an additional bonus!
Min. odds of 1.20. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
Min. odds of 1.20. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Victory Friday
Get a Bonus up to $100 every Friday!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
No-Deposit Bonus
Sign up and get FREE SPINS or FREE BETS in Aviator as a gift!
Wagering requirements apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Pragmatic Play's Drops & Wins
Your chance to win from €2,000,000 monthly!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Loyalty Bonus
10% Bonus for our loyal users!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Football Cashback
Bet on Top 5 Leagues and receive up to 75% Cashback
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
1.2% Unlimited Games Rebate
Play any slot game to get an instant rebate based on your VIP level below!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Live dealer rebate
Get up to 0.88% rebate exclusively on Siam Baccarat [EVO], Goa Baccarat [PT], and SW Live!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Celtic predict & win
Get $5 Free Bet weekly on your Correct Score prediction!
Wagering requirements on Free bet apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements on Free bet apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Slot Games Cash Back
Each Friday, we will reward all our slot games enthusiasts with a 10% Cash Back bonus up to €100 in Cash!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Top 4 Combo
Take advantage of this Weekend with 50% Bonus for a multibet on the Big 4 Leagues!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
18+ T&Cs apply.
Soccer Fever Bonus
€50 Free Bet for 8 in-play single bets!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Free Spins
20 Free Spins for a Deposit on Tuesday!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Sunday Spins
100 Free Spins for grabs!
Wagering requirements apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements apply. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekend Reload Bonus
$700 + 50 Free Spins
Opt-in required. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Opt-in required. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekly Reload
50 Free Spins
Opt-in after deposit. Wagering requirements of winnings are x40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
Opt-in after deposit. Wagering requirements of winnings are x40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Bet More With 4raPRO
Bet on sports and get rewards every month from our loyalty program - 4raPro!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
100% ACCA Boost
Double your winnings on accumulators across a range pf sports and competitions!
ew & eligible customers only. Minimum odds, bet restrictions and T&Cs apply. This boost applies to winnings on accumulators of 2 or more selections placed on any combination of qualifying sports, placed from 12:00 UK Time on 6th August 2024. For more information about all offers please visit the bet365 website. Registration required.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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ew & eligible customers only. Minimum odds, bet restrictions and T&Cs apply. This boost applies to winnings on accumulators of 2 or more selections placed on any combination of qualifying sports, placed from 12:00 UK Time on 6th August 2024. For more information about all offers please visit the bet365 website. Registration required.
Sports Win Booster
Boost your win up to 100%
At least 3 selections with min. odds 1.30 each. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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At least 3 selections with min. odds 1.30 each. 18+ T&Cs apply.
100% Refund
Receive 100% refund for any soccer match that ends 0:0!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
MLB Cashback
Place a qualifying prediction on any baseball lineup and earn a spectacular cashback, of up to 20%!
Opt-in required. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Opt-in required. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Three Gifts Pack
$150 Bonus, $10 Free bet & 50 Free Spins
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
18+ T&Cs apply.
Refer A Friend
Earn a $50 Reward for every friend you invite!
VIP Bonus will be awarded if you bring more than 5 people! 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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VIP Bonus will be awarded if you bring more than 5 people! 18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekly Cash Reward
Get the weekly €1000 CashBack Bonus every Monday!
The CashBack is equal to 10% of the total amount of customer's Net Deposits in Sports from Monday 00:00 GMT till Sunday 23:59 GMT each week. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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The CashBack is equal to 10% of the total amount of customer's Net Deposits in Sports from Monday 00:00 GMT till Sunday 23:59 GMT each week. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Tennis Free bet
World Tennis Tour brings a Special €50 Loyalty Free Bet for Tennis fans!
To be eligible for a refund, the participant must place eight separate single Live Sport bets on matches of ATP and WTA at odds greater than 1,80. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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To be eligible for a refund, the participant must place eight separate single Live Sport bets on matches of ATP and WTA at odds greater than 1,80. 18+ T&Cs apply.
3+1 Freebet
Place 3 bets and get 4th bet as a free bet!
Min. number of positions - 3, each with odds 1.40 or higher. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Min. number of positions - 3, each with odds 1.40 or higher. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Free Hit Club
Get a ₹666 Freebet on Cricket when you deposit ₹2,500
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
3+1 FreeBet
Get every 4th ticket as a GIFT in Sports!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Bet Insurance
Get 10% Cashback as a Freebet!
Min. odds of 1.40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Min. odds of 1.40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
$15,000 Jackpot
Guess the outcome of all events and fill in your pockets with cash!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
10% up to $100
Bet on the hottest sporting events, we've got your back covered with an ample 10% Cashback!
T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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T&Cs apply.
Weekly Reload Bonus
Get 50% up to $500 when you reload weekly!
Wagering and odds requirements apply.18+ T&Cs apply.
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Wagering and odds requirements apply.18+ T&Cs apply.
Up to 100% Booster
Place a combo ticket and get more out of your combination!
At least 3+ accumulator with odds of 1.40 or higher. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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At least 3+ accumulator with odds of 1.40 or higher. 18+ T&Cs apply.
100% Deposit Bonus every Thursday
Get up to $100 bonus on your weekly !deposit
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Sports Cashback
Play every day and get 3% weekly cashback!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Promo Code Store
Place bets, collect and exchange points, win!
18+ T&Cs apply.
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Bonus for a series of losing bets
Megapari backs its customers through rough patches with a bonus for a series of losing bets!
Max. odds of 3.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Max. odds of 3.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Sports Cashback
The company returns 3% of the total amount lost during the week!
Min. odds of 1.50. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Min. odds of 1.50. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Promo Code Store
Place bets, collect and exchange points, win!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
18+ T&Cs apply.
Tennis Retirement Guarantee
Get your selection paid as a winner if their opponent retires hurt
Applies to ATP/WTA single and acca bets. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Applies to ATP/WTA single and acca bets. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Risk-Free Bets
50% Risk-Free Bet up to $100
Min. odds of 1.30. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Min. odds of 1.30. 18+ T&Cs apply.
The Bettors Tournament
Compete with other players, win and get up to $1,500 free bet!
Min. odds of 1.20. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Min. odds of 1.20. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Get $1,000 for predicting 10 results correctly!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Saturday Reload Bonus
Place your bets Monday to Friday and ger a 100% free bet up to $100 for your weekend!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Sports VIP Program
Earn CP within 6 levels and exchange them for freebets up to €5,000 per month!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Sport VIP Program
The higher the vip level you reach, the better the conversion rate for maxpoints into real money you will get!
Free bet duration 5 days.18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Free bet duration 5 days.18+ T&Cs apply.
Get $1,000 for predicting 10 results correctly!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Roll Competition
Each player has one chance to roll every 24 hours and win various prizes!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekly & Monthly Cashback
Get rewarded every Friday and 15th of each month based on your wagering
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Daily Recharge
Wager US$1,000+ within 7 days to recharge your account!
Must attain VIP level 22+ to meet the criteria. T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Must attain VIP level 22+ to meet the criteria. T&Cs apply.
Sports Weekly Bonus
Earn up to US$150 every Saturday with our your wagers!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
Piú info
18+ T&Cs apply.
Lucky Spin
Take advantage of both Daily Spins & VIP Level Benefits!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
The BETSSON Million
Test your sports knowledge & win $1,000,000 in Cash
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekly Cash Prize Draws
$80,000 in cash prizes to be won across four weekly cash draw!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Crash Lottery
Place bets in the Crash Lottery to take part in the draw for a chance to win incredible prizes
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Weekly race
Join the Weekly Race from 22bet to win a share of $15,000!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Wednesday Cash Splash
Deposit and get a 50% bonus!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Bet Booster
Boost your winnings!
Min. 4 games accumulator with odds higher than1.40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Min. 4 games accumulator with odds higher than1.40. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Loyalty Pays Off
Get up to 100FS and a 50% 10th Deposit Bonus for Slots
Min. deposit $10. The bonus must be redeemed by wagering the bonus amount х35 times within 48 hours. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Min. deposit $10. The bonus must be redeemed by wagering the bonus amount х35 times within 48 hours. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Casino VIP Cashback
Join our new Loyalty program and get VIP cashback!
18+ T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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18+ T&Cs apply.
Place bets on Sports and Live events and receive free promotional codes!
Must place accumulators bet with 3+ selections. Total odds min. 2.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Must place accumulators bet with 3+ selections. Total odds min. 2.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
Make a free TOTO prediction then place any bet on a sporting event to receive bonuses!
Min. odds 2.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
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Min. odds 2.00. 18+ T&Cs apply.
3+1 Freebet
Get Every 4th Ticket as a GIFT in Sports!
Wagering requirements involved. T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements involved. T&Cs apply.
10% Cashback
Get 10% Cashback whenever you want
Unlimited quantity in a day! Wagering requirements involved. T&Cs apply.
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Unlimited quantity in a day! Wagering requirements involved. T&Cs apply.
Bet Builder
Craft Your Winning Bets with Bet Builder!
Max. 10 markets. Cash Out not available. T&Cs apply.
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Max. 10 markets. Cash Out not available. T&Cs apply.
Lucky Ticket
Double your winnings on Monday!
Min. 2 events with odds 1.50 each. The offer is valid on Monday only. T&Cs apply.
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Min. 2 events with odds 1.50 each. The offer is valid on Monday only. T&Cs apply.
No Risk Bet
Get a Free bet if your Correct Score prediction loses!
T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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T&Cs apply.
Bonus for series of losing bets
Get up to $500 bonus for a 20 losing bets in a row!
Up to $100 for $2 stakes/ up to $250 for $5 stakes. Odds must not exceed 3.00. T&Cs apply.
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Up to $100 for $2 stakes/ up to $250 for $5 stakes. Odds must not exceed 3.00. T&Cs apply.
Series of Losing Bets
22BET supports its players during tough times by offering a Bonus for series of losing bets!
Earn bonus points for a series of 20 losing bets! Odds below 3.00. T&Cs apply
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Earn bonus points for a series of 20 losing bets! Odds below 3.00. T&Cs apply
Rebate Bonus
The more you bet, the larger your rebate! Get a weekly cash rebate of 0.3% on your sports bets!
In order to redeem the bonus, you must place a bet on a sporting event with odds of at least 1.50. T&Cs apply.
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In order to redeem the bonus, you must place a bet on a sporting event with odds of at least 1.50. T&Cs apply.
ACCA Price Boost
As bigger your accumulator as higher the % Odds Boost!
18+ Applies to selected markets. Min. odds 1.50. Max. bonus payout €1,500 per coupon. Banker bets are excluded. T&Cs apply.
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18+ Applies to selected markets. Min. odds 1.50. Max. bonus payout €1,500 per coupon. Banker bets are excluded. T&Cs apply.
2 Goals Ahead Early Payout
Your bet automatically wins if your team took the 2+ goals lead but fails to win!
Market requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
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Market requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
Friday Reload Bonus
Get a 100% bonus up to 100€ for sports betting
n order to withdraw the funds from the customer account, the bonus must be wagered 3x in accumulator bets within 24 hours of the bonus being credited. Each accumulator bet must contain three or more selections. At least three selections in each accumulator must have odds of at least 1.40. T&Cs apply.
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n order to withdraw the funds from the customer account, the bonus must be wagered 3x in accumulator bets within 24 hours of the bonus being credited. Each accumulator bet must contain three or more selections. At least three selections in each accumulator must have odds of at least 1.40. T&Cs apply.
Bet Builder Insurance
€10 Free Bet if one selection in your Bet Builder lets you down.
Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
Bore Draw 100% Refund
Receive 100% refund for any soccer match that ends 0:0!
Available markets: CS, HT/FT CS, HT/FT. Only pre-match bets. T&Cs apply.
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Available markets: CS, HT/FT CS, HT/FT. Only pre-match bets. T&Cs apply.
Accumulator Boost up to 100%
Place a combo ticket with three or more selections - get more out of your combination bets with our Booster!
Players must bet at least 3+ accumulator with each selection priced 1.40+. And Boost amount depends on the number of qualifying selections. T&Cs apply.
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Players must bet at least 3+ accumulator with each selection priced 1.40+. And Boost amount depends on the number of qualifying selections. T&Cs apply.
50% Weekly Reload Bonus
Do not miss the opportunity to receive our 50% up to $500 Weekly Reload Bonus!
The maximum Bonus amount varies per country. Bonus can be claimed once per week based on the highest deposit made during the week. Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
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The maximum Bonus amount varies per country. Bonus can be claimed once per week based on the highest deposit made during the week. Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
10% Cashback Bonus up to €100
Bet on the hottest sporting events, we've got your back covered with an ample 10% Cashback!
Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
Non è necessario alcun codice
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Wagering requirements incl. T&Cs apply.
2 Goals ahead Early Payout
If the team you've backed has a 2-goal lead during the game, you win automatically without having to wait for the final result!
Offer valid for pre-match bets in the 1X2 market only(Home or Away excl. Draw or "Boosted odds). Additional conditions per sport applicable. T&Cs apply.".
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Offer valid for pre-match bets in the 1X2 market only(Home or Away excl. Draw or "Boosted odds). Additional conditions per sport applicable. T&Cs apply.".
€15,000 Sport Jackpot
Guess the outcome of ALL given events and fill in your pockets with cash!
To hit the Jackpot, a player must guess the outcome of ALL given events. In case more than one player has guessed the results of the given events, the Jackpot's prize pool will be shared evenly. T&Cs apply.e
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To hit the Jackpot, a player must guess the outcome of ALL given events. In case more than one player has guessed the results of the given events, the Jackpot's prize pool will be shared evenly. T&Cs apply.e
Bettors Tournament
Weekly tournaments with Gold, Silver & Bronze prize funds
Tournaments are held weekly from Monday 09:00 UTC to Sunday 12:00 UTC. Participation in the promotion will be activated automatically. Only bets with odds not less than 1.2 participate in the promotion. The scoring formula for points is “100 * (win amount / bet amount - 1)”. For example, if the winning amount is 5200 and bet amount is 1000, the customer earns 420 points. T&Cs apply.
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Tournaments are held weekly from Monday 09:00 UTC to Sunday 12:00 UTC. Participation in the promotion will be activated automatically. Only bets with odds not less than 1.2 participate in the promotion. The scoring formula for points is “100 * (win amount / bet amount - 1)”. For example, if the winning amount is 5200 and bet amount is 1000, the customer earns 420 points. T&Cs apply.
$10,000 Highest Odds Sports Challenge
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You can bet on pre-match or live markets. Voided, half-loss, and half-win bets are not eligible for the challenge! Cashed-out bets are not eligible for the challenge. 1 valid entry per household. All accounts that have completed Level 2 and Level 3 verification will get 100% extra on the basic reward. T&Cs apply.
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You can bet on pre-match or live markets. Voided, half-loss, and half-win bets are not eligible for the challenge! Cashed-out bets are not eligible for the challenge. 1 valid entry per household. All accounts that have completed Level 2 and Level 3 verification will get 100% extra on the basic reward. T&Cs apply.
Is it your birthday? Congratulations! Celebrate your birthday in style with 22bet and get a special bonus.
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Choose your bet from a number of accumulators we offer on the most exciting sporting events of the day!
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Tennis Retirement Guarantee
Get your selection paid as a winner if their opponent retires hurt!
Only available to new and eligible customers. Bet restrictions and T&Cs apply. Winnings paid as Bet Credits.
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Only available to new and eligible customers. Bet restrictions and T&Cs apply. Winnings paid as Bet Credits.
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Daily reload bonus
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