John Sweeney   -   Rafael do Nascimento

John Sweeney
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12th Jul 24, 10:00 PM 12 Jul 10:00 PM
Rafael do Nascimento

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John Sweeney Rafael do Nascimento Odds

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Match review

Last update: 12 Jul 2024

John Sweeney plays against Rafael do Nascimento in a LFA game, and Mixed Martial Arts fans are looking forward to it. The event takes place on 13/07/2024 at 03:00 UTC. Oddspedia provides John Sweeney Rafael do Nascimento  betting odds from betting sites on 0 markets. Sportsbooks place - as favorites to win the game at @ . Check the John Sweeney and Rafael do Nascimento team form, standings, and head-to-head statistics here on the page. Additionally, available to you are comprehensive pre-match and live betting odds, fast live scores, team lineups, and commentary.

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Match details

  • John Sweeney vs Rafael do Nascimento
  • LFA World
  • Date - 13/07/2024
  • Starting time - 03:00 UTC
  • Venue: -, -, -
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